Họ và tên:

Ha Gia Quy Khanh



Số điện thoại:

Ngày sinh


Địa chỉ:

24 Lê Quang Quyền, Hương Long, Tp. Huế

Giới tính:


Tiêu đề hồ sơ: Training Manager
Trình độ học vấn / chuyên môn :
2012 - 2016
Quản Trị Kinh Doanh
Đại học
School of Hopitality and Tourism

Kinh nghiệm làm việc:
6/2018 - 12/2019
Training Executive (acting as Assistant Training Manager)
Vnpearl Join Stock Company - Vinpearl Luxury Danang
Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam

* Training  Determine training need analysis (TNA) and gap of staff to company’s standard.  Prepare and control annual training plans and training calendars for the hotel (depend on OCC rate).  Work directly with HODs to support and control training quality.  Support departments in developing functional excellence and in leadership capabilities.  Act as a change catalyst in the cultural and organizational transformation of the Hotel by roadmap.  Induct, coach, and mentor new Team Members by orientation program: history, gesture, grooming,…  Interact with hotel leaders for people development on a daily basis, support operational departments through these session: Service Standard; Service from the heart; Resolving problem by WOW service; Brand immersion;…  Monitor and conduct learning and development reviews with each department through: Spotcheck after training, Guest review report.  Manage the compulsory license of government for all staff  Manage training report for property and make sure to achieve yearly target.  Support and develop the internal trainer in presentation skills, facilitation skills, how to design training materials. * Culture development activities  Organize and take MC role for staff monthly activities: Townhall – staff’s party (Monthly report, staff’s bithday and gameshow); GM Talk; GM Lunch; Serviceday (buffet for staff).  Lead chain of activities for property bitthday celebration: teambuilding; Camp-fire activities, washing service for staff, sport competition,…  Cooperate with regional Training & Human Resources to organize the anniversary of group, staff party, Sport day (Outdoor activities, teambuilding, sport competition,…)  Organize all monthly/quarterly gameshows such as: Golden Bell; Vocational assessment, English Assessment, Vocational Expert to encourage staff spirit

2/2018 - 6/2018
Banquet Event Sales Manager
Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam

 Sales  Manage customer’s data including: collect, gather, evaluate,… in order to establish a specific action plan.  Gather market and customer’s information and feedback on buying trends  Research, establish and determine the stretagies and action plan step by step to achive the target  Make plan by to organize the banquet by Banquet Event Order (BEO) base on customer’s request.  Re-check all of elements of banquet before it begin.  Build the packages of banquet services suitable for hotel’s potential and present markets  Sugguest ideas and detail plan to organize the events (on public holidays, wedding ceremonies, training events,…)  Marketing  Upgrades brand products/services by: build the TVC; update the images of Convention’s/Hotel infrastructures;  Responsible for manages the system of fanpage, business accounts, on Social network: Facebook, Instagram, Tripadvisor, Google +  Create content to advertise and follow up the event which be held or local events.

Kỹ năng:
Training and Development
Giao tiếp thuyết trình
Xử lý tình huống
Microsoft softwares
Giải thưởng:
Thông tin tham khảo:
Hồ sơ đính kèm:
Mong muốn về công việc:
 Study and achieve knowledge of Training & Development as much as possible.  Desire for being an excellent Training Manager in a professional working environment