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Địa chỉ:

139 đường số 24 phường Bình Trị Đông B quận Bình Tân TPHCM

Giới tính:


Tiêu đề hồ sơ: Group Front Office Manager/Front Office Manager
Trình độ học vấn / chuyên môn :
2010 - 2013
Cử nhân Ngoại Thương
Đại học
University of Canberra

Double major in International Business and Banking & Financial services

Kinh nghiệm làm việc:
8/2019 -
Group Front Office Manager
Công Ty Cổ Phần Đầu Tư Bất Động Sản Novaland
Ho Chi Minh city

Be responsible for Reception department’s service standard at Sales Galleries; included training, supervising, and recruiting.  Preparing and supervising sales events; details in services and cost controlling  Site check every month operating properties; focusing on guest satisfaction and customer services  Liaising with internal related departments and hotel’s representatives to prepare essential legal documents for set up and opening new hotels.  Conducting trial stay at hotel’s pre-opening time included preparing hotel check list, measuring guest satisfaction and working closely with hotel’s BOM for improvement.

9/2018 - 8/2019
Front Office Manager
Liberty Central Saigon Citypoint
Ho Chi Minh City

3/2016 - 9/2018
Assistant Front Office Manager/Acting Front Office Manager
Liberty Central Saigon Citypoint
Ho Chi Minh City

12/2015 - 3/2016
Front Office Supervisor
Liberty Central Saigon Citypoint
Ho Chi Minh City

6/2014 - 11/2015
Personal Assistant to General Manager
Liberty Central Saigon Citypoint
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Kỹ năng:
Quản lý
Kỹ năng bán hàng, phục vụ khách hàng
Training and Development
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